Top Guidelines for Getting a Fire Watch Guard

Top Guidelines for Getting a Fire Watch Guard

Blog Article

Meta-Description: Learn the top guidelines for hiring a fire watch guard, ensuring fire safety compliance, proper monitoring, and protection for your property during system outages or high-risk situations.


Hiring a fire watch guard is often a necessary step when your fire protection systems are down or when your business operates in a high-risk environment. Fire watch guards play a crucial role in preventing fire hazards, monitoring property safety, and ensuring compliance with local fire codes. Whether you’re managing a construction site, undergoing fire system repairs, or hosting a large event, having a qualified fire watch guard on duty can save lives and protect your assets.

Here are the top guidelines to follow when getting a fire watch guard for your property.

1. Ensure the Guards Are Licensed and Certified

The most important guideline for hiring a fire watch guard is to make sure that the personnel are properly licensed and certified. Fire watch guards are required to have specialized training in fire prevention, hazard detection, and emergency response procedures.

What to Check:

  • Valid Certification: Fire watch guards should have proof of certification showing they have completed necessary fire safety courses and meet local regulatory requirements.

  • Ongoing Training: Top fire watch services ensure their guards receive continuous training to stay updated on the latest fire safety regulations and procedures.

  • Background Checks: Make sure that the guards have passed thorough background checks, ensuring they are trustworthy and qualified to monitor your property.

Guideline: Always verify that the fire watch guards are fully licensed and certified according to local fire safety regulations to ensure compliance and protection.

2. Match Fire Watch Services to Your Specific Needs

Every property is different, and fire watch services should be tailored to your specific needs. Whether you are dealing with temporary system maintenance, construction-related fire risks, or protecting a large commercial property, the fire watch service should adapt to your unique situation.

Factors to Consider:

  • Property Size: The size and complexity of your property will determine how many fire watch guards you need and how frequently they should patrol.

  • High-Risk Areas: If your property has areas with flammable materials or heavy machinery, ensure that fire watch guards focus on these zones for more frequent monitoring.

  • Duration of Service: Fire watch services can be temporary (during system repairs) or long-term (for high-risk sites like construction zones). Choose the right level of service based on your needs.

Guideline: Choose a fire watch service that offers customizable solutions to match your property's size, risk level, and specific needs.

3. Ensure 24/7 Coverage If Needed

Fire hazards can occur at any time, and many businesses need 24/7 fire watch coverage to ensure continuous monitoring, especially during system outages or overnight. Fires are more likely to go unnoticed during off-hours, so having guards on-site around the clock can prevent disaster.

Why 24/7 Coverage is Important:

  • After-Hours Protection: Fires can start when the property is unoccupied, especially at night or on weekends. Having guards on duty 24/7 ensures these risks are managed.

  • Immediate Emergency Response: Around-the-clock coverage ensures that fire watch guards can respond instantly to any signs of fire, notifying emergency services and assisting with evacuations if necessary.

  • Continuous Patrols: Guards should patrol your property regularly throughout the day and night to ensure there are no lapses in fire safety.

Guideline: If your fire systems are down for an extended period or your property is at high risk, opt for 24/7 fire watch coverage to ensure comprehensive protection.

4. Confirm Patrol Frequency and Detailed Record-Keeping

A key responsibility of fire watch guards is conducting regular patrols of the property to ensure that fire risks are identified early. The best fire watch guards maintain detailed logs of each patrol, noting the time of inspection, areas covered, and any potential hazards detected.

Best Practices for Patrols:

  • Regular Patrols: Fire watch guards typically patrol every 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the size of the property and the level of risk.

  • Thorough Coverage: Guards should focus on high-risk areas but cover the entire property to ensure that all potential fire hazards are monitored.

  • Detailed Logs: Each patrol should be documented in detail, including the time of the patrol, areas checked, and any hazards identified. These records are critical for compliance with fire codes and can be reviewed by local authorities.

Guideline: Ensure that fire watch guards follow a strict patrol schedule and maintain thorough records of their patrols to prove compliance and safety.

5. Prepare a Fire Evacuation Plan

In the event of a fire, having a clear evacuation plan in place is critical for the safety of everyone on the property. Fire watch guards play a vital role in assisting with evacuations, ensuring that occupants exit the building safely and that emergency procedures are followed.

Key Elements of an Evacuation Plan:

  • Exit Routes: Make sure that all fire exits are clearly marked and that guards know the evacuation routes. Guards should regularly check to ensure exits are accessible.

  • Evacuation Assistance: Fire watch guards should be trained to assist people in evacuating, especially those who may need extra help, such as individuals with disabilities.

  • Emergency Contact: Ensure that your fire watch guards have a direct line of communication with local emergency services and are prepared to notify the fire department immediately.

Guideline: Work with your fire watch guards to establish and practice a clear fire evacuation plan, ensuring they are prepared to assist in the event of an emergency.

6. Ensure Compliance with Local Fire Codes

One of the most important roles of a fire watch guard is to ensure that your property is compliant with local fire codes. Non-compliance can result in fines, penalties, or even temporary shutdowns. Fire watch guards help you meet these regulations by maintaining fire safety equipment, keeping exits clear, and ensuring proper fire safety protocols are followed.

Fire Code Compliance Responsibilities:

  • Monitoring Fire Equipment: Fire watch guards ensure that fire extinguishers, hoses, and alarms are in working order and readily accessible.

  • Clear Fire Exits: Guards verify that all fire exits are free from obstructions and accessible in case of an emergency.

  • Coordination with Fire Departments: The best fire watch services stay in contact with local fire authorities to ensure all compliance measures are up to date.

Guideline: Verify that your fire watch guards are knowledgeable about local fire codes and regularly inspect your property to maintain compliance.

7. Communicate Regularly with Fire Watch Guards

Communication is key to ensuring that your fire watch guards are performing their duties effectively. Regular check-ins with the guards help ensure that they are staying alert, following proper procedures, and addressing any emerging fire hazards.

Communication Tips:

  • Daily Check-Ins: Set up a schedule for daily or weekly check-ins with your fire watch service provider to discuss patrols, identified hazards, and overall safety status.

  • Reporting Hazards: Ensure that fire watch guards know how to report hazards or potential risks to management and local authorities quickly.

  • Emergency Protocols: Confirm that guards understand the protocols for communicating with emergency services in the event of a fire.

Guideline: Establish regular communication with your fire watch guards to ensure they are effectively monitoring the property and staying alert to potential hazards.


Hiring a fire watch guard is a critical step in ensuring the safety of your property, employees, and customers during times when fire protection systems are down or during high-risk activities. By following these top guidelines—ensuring licensing, tailoring services to your needs, confirming 24/7 coverage, and preparing evacuation plans—you can ensure that your fire watch service is effective and compliant.

The best fire watch guards offer more than just monitoring—they provide peace of mind, ensuring that any fire risks are detected and addressed before they escalate into emergencies. Follow these guidelines to protect your business and stay safe.

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